Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Great Vacations Need Not Be Far Away

By Albert Sperk

Most times we fail to appreciate things that are right in front of us. This also applies to vacation spots that are located in close proximity to your area of residence. When you have lived in one place for a long period of time, you usually take for granted the sights that you pass by on your daily commute. It could also be that your idea of a vacation is one that should include a lengthy travel to your chosen destination. It cannot be helped somehow since it does make sense that someone used to living with the noisy streets of New York City may want to spend a quiet and relaxing holiday at several beaches in the West Coast. Similarly, Florida locals may welcome a change in climate by taking ski tours in Colorado.

With the rising costs of fuel and airfare, it may well be worth looking for a place within your locale that can provide you with a refreshing time away from home without breaking your budget. It can also be good to look at your neighborhood from a different perspective. You may be surprised to see a few things you would not have otherwise noticed.

To some people, the vacation destination is secondary to the soothing feeling they get from a long and scenic drive. Though staying at a motel does not constitute a vacation, the savings it provides can be tolerated if it is within the vicinity of a prime vacation spot that may charge high for its accommodations. The drive, coupled with the reasonable lodgings can make it all worthwhile.

Still, for others, long trips are not only time consuming, but tiring as well. Feeling spent upon reaching your destination takes much of the fun out of the whole trip. The journey, especially to unfamiliar places can be even more aggravating when you find yourself lost. If there is a site closer to home, you are assured of less stress and a much faster travel time. You may also learn a thing or two about your community and discover what makes other people visit your area as well. Keeping an open mind allows you to recognize the value of your surroundings and have a renewed appreciation for your district.

Doing some research on your home state, or by simply looking through a map, you may be surprised to know that there are sites that you never knew existed and may just end up being a great vacation spot. By allowing yourself to see what is right in front of you, or in this case, right in your back yard, you possibly will be able to find a restful break in a comfortable and familiar environment without having to spend much.

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